Software Build Systems, Packaging and Distribution

Software development includes not only software design, programming, testing and debugging, it also extends to packaging and distribution.

The build process and other tasks differ, depending on the programming language used.

Python (e.g. GGCGen):

Step recommended tool alternative tools
build system none (CPython interpreter) py2exe, cyton
compilation toolchain: interpreted (CPython interpreter) py2exe, cyton
Packaging PyPa build plus setuptools with setup.cfg, and d2to1, distutils2
Distribution PyPa, pip git repository + pip

C/C++ (e.g. tutaconvert and direction_indicator):

Step recommended tool alternative tools
build system gitlab-CI with _config.yml, Microsoft Visual Studio code + PlatformIO IDE + MSYS2 with base-devel option (git, make, cmake, gcc, g++) ) Microsoft Visual Studio code + CMake tools + MSYS2 with base-devel option, travis-CI
compilation toolchain: PlatformIO platform avr (avr-toolchain with avr-gcc) GCC
Packaging CMake, CPack, NSIS PlatformIO
Distribution ? ?

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