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A tool to convert exported contacts from tutanota into a valid vCard file for migration of address books to other organizer software / Email clients like Thunderbird.
Download TutaConvert installer for Microsoft Windows 64 bit
Graphical G-code Generator and robot control software. This program provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for easy creation of methods (scripts) for controlling cartesian robots - also known as lab robots, liquid handling robots or pipetting robots. GGCGen provides a variety of predefined working space layouts and customizable method blocks for point-and-click creation of (partially opentrons API v2-compatible) protocols that are executed by the robot.
Optimized firmware for cartesian robots (lab robots, also known as liquid handling robots or pipetting robots).
Python library for lab robot control. pyotronext is an open source Python package for conversion of opentrons APIv2 or mecode compatible Python protocols into a dialect of the ISO 6983-1 and ANSI/EIA RS274-D G-code is compatible with open source firmware for CNC machines. pyotronext can control liquid handling robots via USB using the 8-N-1 asynchronous serial communication protocol (8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit).